Hello. Watch Your Step


WHOA. It’s been awhile since I’ve been in this space. There is a seven inch layer of dust on EVERYTHING and I’m sorry about that. I will find you a place to sit as soon as possible. But I’m not going to stress out about that, because NOPE. You know that I love you even if things aren’t super hospitable around here right now. They will be. Pretty sure. As soon as I figure out what the hell I’m doing.


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I bought this pen pouch a couple of months ago because, well, because I have a sick obsession with office supplies and pens and all things for my bullet journal and I also love joy. SO. Yes. I bought the pouch of joy.

(Please note that I don’t actually call it that.)

But what I *am * saying is that I love it. It’s the perfect-ish size and it is a fabulous reminder of finding joy on the daily.

Which is why I am here.

I don’t exactly know what to do with all this space anymore but what I DO know is that I’m happiest when I put my joy here. Shit that makes me happy. People that make me happy. Beautiful things that make me happy. It’s going here. Because if there’s one thing we all need more of it’s JOY.


This may look different for everyone.

(I don’t set fire to things. Almost never. But I do watch Pitch Perfect whenever I can.)

But…joy. That’s what’s happening here.

And since Sarah and I sat down and talked about our love for all things Kimmy Schmidt for Cap City Moms this week, I feel like that should start us off. Because Titus and Kimmy 4EVER. Sarah and I have been known to have gif-offs with each other on messenger or hangouts and what I will tell you is this: These ridiculous message of gifs BRING ME JOY. Which is the damn point of all of this.




Joy. Get it.